April 26, 2008

  • A New Man Enters Heaven's Gate...

    Saturday night update:

    I got the pleasure of going to see Cyndy & the kids this evening.  God definitely has them in the palm of his hands.  We spent an hour or so talking and me loving on Cyndy and the kids.  We had fun laughing and cried together too.  Those kids are so grown up and strong.  They will be good little helpers for their momma!  Cyndy's doing as well as she could be.  I'm amazed by her strength...which is actually a mirror of God's strength in her!

    I believe this family is at a rough spot in life, but has many, many blessings in store for the future.  They are rooted in God...the best place to be when life brings about tragedies!

    Cyndy wanted me to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes!


    It breaks my heart to even write such a post.  But with permission from Cyndy, I'm writing all of you to let you know that Bob McKinney passed away this morning at 1:30 am at Heartland Hospital.  Funeral arrangements are being made as I type.  Thus far, it sounds like the funeral will be Wednesday morning at WOLC

    Update -- Funeral is set for 10 AM at WOLC on Wednesday.

    Bob McKinney...as I remember him...

    Often times he looked like this:


    That is until summer came around and then he looked like a whole new man...


    Bob was tough as nails and had a powerful testimony to prove it! He was one of the hardest working men I have ever seen, who even had a hard time just sitting down for 10 minutes to chat!  I met Bob when I first started working with his youngest daughter Mia Rose, who is a miracle child!  Bob had questions and I answered them.  I don't always think he always understood why we therapists did everything we did...but he knew it was helping Mia and that we both were "good Christian girls" so it was all good.  Bob had a fun sense of humor and REALLY enjoyed picking on me and of course his wife, Cyndy and three kids, Cody, Holly & Mia.  He had a laugh that was so jolly!!


    Bob's love for his children ran deep.  He taught Cody how to run a big mower at young age and Cody loved to be his father's right hand assistant while he worked.  He loved to take his kids fishing.  One of my favorite McKinney stories is when Bob & Cyndy surprised the kids with a family vacation.  Somehow sneaking out of the house all the clothes and things they would need and just showing up at their vacation spot!  Fun and everlasting memories!


    Please keep Cyndy and the kids, Cody, Holly and Mia in your prayers.  I'll keep you posted as I hear the final details of the funeral.

    Cyndy, Cody, Holly & Mia Rose...we all love you and don't have the right words to say right now, other than we love you!  Your daddy's with Jesus now...healed FINALLY and at peace!  God bless you all!!


Comments (16)

  • oh sad... give Cindy a hug from our family...

  • @Journaling_Susan - not a problem Suzie, that is just fine!  Thanks for passing the news along!  Please keep Cyndy and the kids in your prayers!

  • Thanks for sharing this with us.
    I had some asking me about Bob.

    Cyndy and the kids are in my prayers.

    I hope that you don't mine,
    I will direct your post on my site.
    God Bless!

    Our 92 1/2 year old cousin passed away last week.
    This funeral was this morning.

  • Oh my. That is rough. Thanks for letting us know.

  • Praying for Cyndy and the kids.

  • This is very sad...

  • Please hug Cyndy for us!  It is his Door of Hope, of  Total Healing, I think.   God is with him, and God is with Cyndy and the kids, too.    Please keep us all updated. 

  • @BeckyOR - I will be sure to pass along your message to Cyndy!  She covets everyone's prayers right now.  I believe they are keeping them strong and at peace!

  • My prayers are definately with the family. May the peace that passes all understanding be with Cyndy and the children.

  • Stuff like this just sucks.  Big time.


  • Thanks for the prayers regarding the house.  It means a lot!

  • Seems like there will ba an amzing welcome for Bob and an incredible reunion waiting for you all one day...may God give you all great grace...and comfort in these difficult hours...

  • ryc: I have read "The Red Tent", it was really interesting.  Also read "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers, it is one of the best books of my life.  Put a whole new perspective on Hosea.  Still haven't chosen a book yet, AHHAH!   Enjoy the rest of your week! 

    ps I sent you some flair on facebook!  Hope you like it!

  • @manski - The Red Tent is one of my favorites and so is Redeeming Love!  There's something to be said about good Biblical fiction!!  I'll see if I can think of any others that I absolutely loved.  Oh...Tommy Tenny's two fictional books on Esther were pretty good as well.

  • RYC--your comment about turning off the satellite was funny!  I can see us doing that...we laughed and laughed last night, after I had complained that I simply didn't get those 3 switches, because they aren't in order of the lights, then Bob went over and was flashing them on and off to figure it out a few minutes later.   :)    The kids have them figured out--shows our age creeping in perhaps.

    Tomorrow we are going to church for the first time here.  We are somewhat apprehensive, I will admit.  Coming from WOLC and COTM, well, it means that pretty much no other church can measure up to what we want.  So, we have to compromise, or give up, a lot.  And that is hard.  After 3 years in Joplin, the drive and gas $$ to Tulsa was a real commitment, but I am glad we did it as often as we did.  But here there is no Tulsa to drive to.  We have to settle for the smaller, less..........less ______, (fill in the blank).  Don't get me wrong, I don't have a bad attitude about it--I just know that some things won't be there.   I am glad my 2 college age kidlets will have good, big on-fire churches in the school year.  But my youngest will be here--missing WOLC and COTM.  And I worry about that.  High school is a challenging time as it is.  Not having a strong church to stand by makes it harder.Well, I'll let you know what happens tomorrow.   Bob tried several churches.  He said this one was fairly good for worship but didn't know about the pastor as guests were preaching when he visited.  There is one other church he said he would return to, to try again, so LORD, GIVE US DIRECTION!!

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